How we can help?

Steppe by Step platform is for you :

  • You want to expand your company's business presence into Kazakhstand and don't know how to start

  • You want to learn about the investment climate and investment incentives in Kazakhstan;

  • You want to know about Dutch customs, history and business etiquette;

  • You are from start up community and you want to expand your company`s presence in Europe.

Explore with us

There are fewer and fewer uninhabited places and niches for business development in the world. According to 2019 World Bank ranking, Kazakhstan entered the top 30 leading countries for ease of doing business... but the country is not well known to the western world!

  • Limitless Business Opportunities

    Kazakhstan is a country where the opportunities for business are limitless… at least for the moment.

  • Government Supports Foreign Investors

    It is a nation where the economy is growing at a rapid pace with a government willing to create a safe place for the development of entrepreneurship and attracting foreign investors

  • Great Lifestyle

    The Country is filled with five-star hotels, modern architecture and rich ancient history.

  • Where should I go and who do I need to contact?

    It is very difficult to find information for small and medium enterprises outside of Kazakhstan on what is required to open up a company in Kazakhstan.

  • No Single Source of Support

    Although you find information, invest a lot of money and time ... you are still unable to reach your goal! Why? Because you know no one and you lack a trusted source of support in Kazakhstan.

The good news is: we are here for you! We were in your shoes and we have a solution!

We have prepared a 3 step structured program. You do not have to follow all 3 steps, even if you follow at least one, the Netherlands or Kazakhstan will be a place that welcomes you and where you will feel right at home! And we will follow these steps hand in hand with you!

Our 3 Step Program

  • Step 1: Learn about Kazakhstan. Our training courses provide practical information on how to open a company in Kazakhstan, how to apply for tax incentives, what are the rules of business etiquette ...and more!

  • Step 2: Travel to Kazakhstan. Our Business Kazakhstan Tours are combined with Get Well in Kazakhstan Tours. You will be introduced to the unique land of Kazakhstan, discover unfamiliar and exotic places, and you will have a chance to see, smell, touch and evaluate what Kazakhstan could give to you.

  • Step 3: Work in Kazakhstan. You do not have time to watch the training... and you have already seen Kazakhstan. Then go directly to step 3. Contact us, and we will ensure that you will be presented to the appropriate people, governmental officials and individuals who will enable you to become more affluent and build your network in Kazakhstan